Insert login form with password in excel Download

Even though Microsoft Excel doesn’t qualify as a high security data protection system,  sometimes users of an workbook file must be sorted out and have different information access rights. The solution for this is to implement a login form in excel, like this one: How to insert login form with password in excel The first […]

Zero if error or #N/A in Vlookup

zero if error #N/A

Sometimes the result of an excel formula is an element of a larger and sophisticated calculation which will end displaying an error if any of the elements taken into account is not a number. This is the case of #N/A returned by the VLOOKUP function when there is no match to the searched element. The […]

Determining top rankings of amounts in a range

Determine top rankings of amounts

Sometimes we have to know the rankings of amounts in an array or range, in order to select some of them, let’s say top 10. Microsoft Excel comes to the rescue by offering a formula to count elements that have certain attributes or meet some conditions. This function is COUNTIF and it’s result is the […]

Two formated values in the same cell

two formated values in the same cell

Sometimes you need to insert two values into the same cell. Like having the profit variation in absolute terms and in percentages in a single cell. Different format for two values in a single cell The solution to this problem is the TEXT(value,format) formula. Imagine that you need to show the variance over two years […]

Format cell to show negative percent values in red

negative percent in red color

Isn’t it nicer to see negative percent values in red color instead of all black, differentiated only by the brackets or by the (-) sign?! The format code pattern to show negative percent in red color Select the cells you want to format and click on Format cells… button. On the Number tab write in […]

Excel countif formula

Excel formula

Whenever you need to count the elements inside data series the excel countif formula is available to help you reach your target easy and fast. The Countif formula has the following structure: =COUNTIF(Range,Condition) Note that the Range can be a large table not only one column. Examples of Excel Countif Formula Let’s say we need […]